

PIET - Driven by art

PIET - Driven by art

A portrait of Piet Willequet,
founder of a wonderful art gallery in the Flemish Ardennes.

Director - Cinematography: Ivo Maes
Sound: Lucas Colle, Ruben Pauwels, Jeroen Dejonghe
Edit: Ivo Maes, Ellen Tijtgat - Het Peloton
Grading: Florian Keirse
Audio post: Jeroen Dejonghe

Commissioned by the city of Kluisbergen.

Docu Piet - DEF 200330 _ OT  NL 200414.00_04_33_15.Still007.png
Docu Piet - DEF 200330 _ OT  NL 200414.00_06_33_19.Still010.png
Docu Piet - DEF 200330 _ OT  NL 200414.00_06_56_12.Still008.png
Docu Piet - DEF 200330 _ OT  NL 200414.00_13_15_02.Still009.png